Let It Snow - Block 1

Let It Snow - Block 1

Welcome Stitchers!

The day has finally arrived for the Let It Snow Block of the Month & Stitch Along to begin! For more information about the quilt, fabric requirements, schedule and more, please read the Get Ready Blog ➡️HERE

Let It Snow Block 1

 Block 1 - Buy➡️HERE

You will find complete instructions for making the block in the pattern. However, there are extra tips and photos that can't always be included in the pattern instructions. This is where I hope to be able to share these with you. There is so much to go over this first month, so let's get started. 

Appliqué Section

Though you can choose any appliqué technique, I prefer to hand appliqué, using freezer paper and starch to prepare my appliqué for stitching. For more detail on my appliqué method, click the following link for a free PDF download. The tips I give here reflect my chosen technique.

Get Free Prepared Hand Appliqué Instructions


  • When cutting sky backgrounds, refer to this handy cutting chart: 
➡️Get It Here
  • Snow fabric should be cut 1" larger at bottom and sides so that it lines up with sky background. (Note: Block will be trimmed to size when appliqué and embroidery are completed.) To reduce the layers of fabric, you may cut away the background beneath the snow patch. I chose to leave the extra layer. 

  • Some of the appliqué patches are very small and can be a bit challenging. It is helpful to use a heavy weight freezer paper or multiple layers of freezer paper when making templates, especially for these small patches. (Described in the "Hand Appliqué" download above.) This will give you a sturdier template, making it easier to press seam allowance over template. You may also choose to satin stitch embroider the smallest pieces, such as the carrot nose, and the hedgehog ear and arm. 
  • When embroidering an area with satin stitch, I fill in the marked area with a satin stitch and finish by stitching tightly around the satin stitched area with an outline stitch. This gives the edges a cleaner finish.

  • The snowman body and head was made from a solid white fabric. Often when using a very light fabric, you may see the background fabric or seam allowance showing through. To lessen this shadowing, I line these very light pieces with one to two layers of a light weight fusible interfacing. The interfacing is cut the size of the appliqué patch with no seam allowance added, then pressed to the back side of the fabric patch. I lined all the snowmen in this quilt with 2 layers of light weight fusible interfacing. I did not line the snow. 

  • When making circles, I use Perfect Circle (circle templates) by Karen Kay Buckley. Instructions are included with the product as well as in my appliqué instructions. You may also make your own circle template out of heat resistant mylar or heavy cardstock. Keep in mind when making a circle template, that it is important that the template be as round and smooth as possible. A template that is not round or has jagged edges, will reflect this in the finished fabric circle. The ornaments were made using a 3/4" size circle template. All the ornaments in the quilt will be this size. (The images below briefly show my method.)


Let It Snow Embroidery

  • The instructions call for 3 strands of embroidery floss. Size 8 perle cotton thread also works well for this. 

Star Block Unit

There will be three 8" star blocks used - in Block 1, Block 5, & Block 8. The instructions for making these stars will be the same. If you choose, you may make 3 star blocks at the same time and set aside for use in later blocks. Note: Star blocks in border will be a different size. 

  •  To make this star block, you will be making flying geese units. With the method instructed in the pattern, you will be sewing four flying geese units with no fabric waste. It is especially important to stitch a “scant” 1/4" to insure an accurate finish size. So what is a scant 1/4" seam allowance? It generally means "one or two thread-widths smaller than a true 1/4". I recommend always piecing with a scant 1/4" for more accuracy. When piecing these flying geese units, I narrowed my seam allowance a little more than my normal "scant". By doing this, my finished units were more accurate and I was able to trim to exact size when needed.
  • Trim off dog-ears (little triangles of fabric). Flying geese units should measure 2½" x 4½". If trimming is needed, making sure bottom "v" of background fabric is 1/4" from raw edge. (See pattern for illustration.)

Sew all the units together to complete Block 1!

I hope these extra hints help to make your stitching experience even more enjoyable! If you have any questions or comments, please message me ➡️HERE. 

I would love to see your progress. Share your finished blocks on social media with #letitsnowquiltpattern and tag me @colettebeltdesigns. 


Sneak Peek of Block 2

Thanks so much for joining me!
Until next month, happy stitching my friends!

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I’m just starting this – and I think I’ll put some very lightweight batting under the “snow” to give it some uumph! LOVE this pattern


So cute and your directions are wonderful, thanks so much!

Joan Hinchcliff

Esta hermoso!!!! Gracias, ya quiero hacerlo

Rogelia Gonzalez

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